
Contact Our Team To Take The Best Care Of Your Electric Motors And Equipment in Penrith

The Peachtree Electric Motor Rewinds Pty Ltd in Penrith, New South Wales has been providing services to its customers since 1997. We do our best every day to get you the best electric motors, transformers, electric pumps, industrial fans, compressors for your health care facilities, commercial or industrial venues and public locations and facilities. Call us today, we will be happy to help you too!

Contact Information

Address :
Unit 5 36 Peachtree Road
Penrith, NSW, 2750

Phone :
02 4761 0692
02 4732 3911 
0419 621 867 

Email :

Reception Hours

Mon - Fri                         7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Sat - Sun                         By Appointment

*Please note we are closed during Public Holidays

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